Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the third symposium organized by the Pediatric Respiratory Association (PEDIARES), which will be held at the Drim Hotel in Struga, North Macedonia, from April 25, 2025, to April 27, 2025.
The theme of the symposium is “Current Topics in Pediatric Pulmonology”.
The symposium will present topics and issues, as well as the latest diagnostics and therapies in various fields – pulmonology, immunology, gastroenterology, allergology, otorhinolaryngology, and surgery.
Renowned lecturers from abroad and North Macedonia will present and share their experiences and viewpoints on diagnosing and treating numerous pathological conditions.
The symposium is intended for pediatricians, pediatric residents, pulmonology subspecialists, family doctors, school medicine doctors, microbiologists, surgeons, ENT specialists, and others.
This symposium will also be an opportunity for you to establish new professional contacts and friendships.
The symposium is accredited by the Doctors Chamber of North Macedonia (DCRSM).
We hope that your presence and professional interest in the latest advancements will contribute to the successful realization of the planned activities.
This year, the professional segment will be enriched with a rich cultural and artistic program. We look forward to reuniting.
With respect,
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Jakovska
President of the Pediatric Respiratory Association (PEDIARES)